Chapter 50 - May 23, 2012

Hi everybody. I'm still here at the hospital. What a drag. I'm ready to get out of here. It's definitely different from the first time I was here. It seems budgets cuts have affected everybody and everything here. But that's a whole other story. For now, I'll talk about fun things like the drugs they are giving me. Man! Some people pay a lot of money to feel like this. I'm wasted. But it must be easier for them to deal with a drooling piece of meat. I've got to lower the stuff down but still keep the drugs going to stop the seizures. It would have been great to take this stuff in the 80's on a Saturday night but right now it's a bit much. I'm kind of tired of getting freaked out by my own hand every night. Let's talk about a time that was a bit more carefree and fun. I was on the island of Capri off the coast of Italy many years ago. I was on a photoshoot for an Italian fashion magazine. I arrived to a note that said, "Brian, the model you wanted is not going to come. We have to find someone new. Wait for us there." I waited for 5 days. Not a bad way to spend 5 days. I was in Capri. I had a motorcycle and a lot of good food. They finally showed up 5 days later. They didn't say anything bit lets start shooting. It was a fun shoot. Anyway, it's times like that I think of when I'm stuck here. I have lots to tell, but I'm really tired. It's a bit of an effort to do this. But I'm not doing it, my friend is. Anyway, I'll talk to you next week. PS: hey Rick and Cheryl, and any other crew members (you know who you are), thanks for the ipad. I listen to music every night. I'll talk to you all soon. Love, B. Nice PSS: Thanks everyone for your positive support. I can't get back to you all, but I appreciate it.